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QwoO Production =]
Hi people, some of you already know me. I'm from Russia, in free time I
am engaged in modeling. Here I will post images of their work.
Excuse me for bad English.
Here made Volvo. Original skin was SovTransAvto. He really liked me and I decided to remake it.
In fact here it is
Rear view
Thank you for your attention. I will add more pictures. Strongly criticize

Then I wanted to make a trailer. And here it is
Here they are in the game

Do not hurt the beginner, comment, rate
I am a new user of your site. Hello all.
I'am Russian people...
Convert mod's GTS,ETS on GTA SanAndreas
My skype : qwoo.4k
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »QwoOshaaa« (31. Mai 2013, 09:42)
Welcome on TS24 community dude.. hope you like it here
so.. a good start in moddeling world i might say.. in your pictures from zmod.. you should enter in Options and select Anti-aliasing..then close zmod and reopen it.. this way you have a better view of your 3d model in zmod..and your front wheels from the should move them a little more in the outside..there are to inside..
hope to see more project from you
p.s.: try not to double-post here.. forum staff doesnt like it
Es hat sich bereits 1 registrierter Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
Thanks for the tip
your front wheels from the Volvo
you don't have any wheels on a Volvo ?
I am a new user of your site. Hello all.
I'am Russian people...
Convert mod's GTS,ETS on GTA SanAndreas
My skype : qwoo.4k
Here you can fiind all kinds of wheels you need Wheels
That's still a barrel made. Soon, will change the skin, the pure red bar

And It will be smooth

Here as promised Tow Truck + volvo and tank

Sorry, forgot to apply a texture to the front wheels of the TRUCk!
I am a new user of your site. Hello all.
I'am Russian people...
Convert mod's GTS,ETS on GTA SanAndreas
My skype : qwoo.4k
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »QwoOshaaa« (31. Mai 2013, 16:11)
both trucks look good
the tow is the best
but why are the back wheels on the tow truck outside of their normal position and the second front wheels don´t move ?
Es hat sich bereits 1 registrierter Benutzer bedankt.
Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:
the second front wheels don´t move ?
Unfortunately no. And the fact that they stick out I correct!
I am a new user of your site. Hello all.
I'am Russian people...
Convert mod's GTS,ETS on GTA SanAndreas
My skype : qwoo.4k
so at first.....
Please read our board rules
you post some pics in wrong format und false size.
please correct it by the next one.
regards chloro
Hey i know you and your mods i think i used one of it as i played on truckmania and ihave to say you made a good job
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Euro Truck Simulator,Euro Truck Simulator 2,German Truck Simulator,Forum,Community,Downloads,Support,Euro Trucksimulator,Euro Trucksimulator 2,German Trucksimulator,Trucks,18 Wheels of Steel,Haulin,Convoy,Pttm,Long Haul,Trucksimulator,Trucksimulation,Truck Simulator,Simulation,ATS,Trucksim,Extreme Trucker 2,ETS,ETS2,GTS,UKTS,ET,ET2,18WoS,Tutorial,Tutorials,Tipp,Zmodeler,z3d,Modding,SCS,simulation,support, Zmod,z3d,Sk,Skins,Map,Maps,Mod,Mods,Trucksims,STD,Scania Truck Driving Simulator,Scania,ETS2Mods, Euro Trucksimulator2 Mods