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Aktuelle News zu dem neuen ETS2

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Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013, 15:58

Goodies from Logitech, still working on ETS2 patch

We have received a very cool offer from Logitech for closer cooperation. We are getting access to developer SDKs, allowing us to take better advantage of the capabilities of their input devices. We were also kindly provided with a heap of hardware to try out and develop on.…bI/s320/001.jpg

Here is another picture from the hardware test lab as we are putting the steering wheels, gamepads, gaming keyboards and mice to good use:…tech_in_lab.jpg

Having so much cool hardware around gave us an idea - we can do some sort of a competition related to Euro Truck Simulator 2 with really great prizes! Good quality steering wheel with pedals and gear stick makes a huge difference when playing our simulators, so hopefully we will make a few of you really happy.

We will need to wait a bit more though until the next ETS2 update is finally available. No doubt we are testing the limits of patience of many of you; taking so long with the patch. Big things are brewing, both for the next update and for the overall vision of future evolution of ETS2 and our truck sims in general. Unfortunately big changes in technology take time to develop and test properly, we cannot release them half-done. We are now mostly done with the changes planned for the game update, so please bear with us, the wait is almost over (though not quite, we are talking probably weeks, not days, before it's all fine-tuned for release).

You may be curios what it is that we are cooking it for so long. To satisfy this curiousity, for once let us open up the kimono and show you unedited release notes which were sent to our beta testing group yesterday along with a new game update 1.3.51. As you can tell just from the version number, we have been though a ton of internal builds with incremental changes and improvements over the past months, the release notes only cover changes from previous 1.3.38 internal build.


Finally, after long time, we have a new testable build.

Patch from 1.3.38

Full install

We did several significant changes so unfortunately it did take long
time to get things back to a usable state. It is possible that there are
still some bugs related to them. Note that profiles and saves written
by this build can not be loaded by older version so you should keep a
backup copy of them in case there is some problem or if you want to
switch to the previous version.

The first major change is change of the map format from single file to
set of sectors. This change allows several people to simultaneously work
in distinct parts of the map and might allow coexistence of mods which
independently extend various distinct parts of the map. We also changed
format of several definition files to improve coexistence of some types
of mods. Existing maps in older formats need to be loaded in the editor
and re-saved before they can be used.

The second major change is addition of asynchronous loading.
Significant portion of the data is now loaded asynchronously to avoid
temporary pauses during the game. Note that currently there are still
things, mostly related to AI traffic, which do not support the
asynchronous loading so the pauses might still happen.

As side effect of work on multi-monitor support (still experimental),
the non-ui portions of the game now do not use letterboxing for
non-widescreen resolutions and instead they expand the vertical FOV.
Note that the advisor/on-hud mirrors are currently still positioned on
theirs letterboxed positions.

Known issues:
*) Some new texts are still in english and the build was currently not
updated from GetLoc.
*) The map contains parts which will connect to DLC. They are currently
not marked as unreachable so they are visible in the map and it is not
possible to get 100% exploration of the map.
*) Signs in new parts of the map are not finished yet.
*) When loading older save, the console will contain error messages
about various quarry objects. This is expected.

Additional changes
*) Improved resistance to missing data to some degree
*) It is possible to change length of transition area for clutch pedal
using g_pedal_clutch_range cvar
*) The engine now consumes fuel when left idle.
*) Various fixes and improvements of truck dashboard indicators and
backlight intensity
*) Various physics tweaks + even stronger clutch
*) Support for output of truck telemetry information for use by
third-parties (still work in progress)
*) Force feedback parameters were extracted to definition file so they
can be tweaked by mods
*) Fixed AI curves on UK bus stops
*) Added rumble-stripes to some prefabs
*) Fixed electro poll in the Sawmill
*) Fixed floating lines in recruitment agency
*) Tweaked "give road" sign
*) Fixed hole in forest mountain
*) Fixed missing light above 3rd door in garage
*) Magnum: Adjusted paintjobs, narrowed fenders
*) Fixed various bus stations
*) Fixed pavement in Bremen
*) Fixed alpha sorting for tunnel signs
*) Added stop lines to various prefabs
*) Fixed direction of arrows on roundabout signs
*) Adjusted curves on some crossroads to prevent AI crashes
*) Fixed shadows of some accessories
*) Fixed intensity of small light accessory
*) Fixed positions of accessories on frontgrills
*) Volvo: Fixed interior animations
*) Scania: Paintjob fixes
*) Various other map fixes

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Beiträge: 1 503

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Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013, 16:51

Euro Truck Simulator 2 first DLC sneak peek (Part 1)

Our first DLC came a long way to be, as a polished product, as ETS 2 was. There are still quite a few bugs to fix, but we believe soon we'd be able to tell you the release day.

Today we would like to share the first batch of shots of new countryside landmarks scenery with you, which soon you'd be able to experience yourselves.

As you may already know, the DLC will contain the rest of Poland, Slovakia and a part of Hungary including Budapest and Debrecen. We are trying to push more fidelity to the map: more objects, new objects, improved forests with larger density, to name a few, while improving game speed on average machines. Without further ado, check it out:

SCS Software Blog

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Beiträge: 1 503

Wohnort: Wegberg

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Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013, 16:55

Euro Truck Simulator 2 first DLC sneak peek (Part 2)

Hi there,

While developing the DLC, we realized that we were bumping the limits of our technology and tool chain. In order to be able to continue growing the map for this add-on and beyond, we had to do a huge rework of the map editing code and back-end. We divided the map into manageable separate sectors, instead having the map as a single chunk.

For us, the huge upside of this enterprise us that once things click into place, we will be able to grow the map faster then before, with multiple people working on sections of the map in parallel. For map MODs potential, this effort is a start of a direction with really huge potential.

The downside was that we literally have to re-test the game from scratch, to catch all bugs appearing in the newly processed and stored map. Unfortunately, the implications of such deep change is that it takes us longer time to pull it off and come up with the planned game updates.

Please enjoy the 2nd part of country-scenery from the upcoming DLC:

SCS Software Blog

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21Seconds, BigBang123, da4ko, Efsan, flashgeist, goldloeckchn, King Gokkel, KingScania, Otte64, Rol66, Shred, StevenaliasW7K, v8Scaniav8, zilpzalp



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Beiträge: 1 503

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Montag, 3. Juni 2013, 00:59

Warning - ETS2 scam!

We have received a warning about something going on which may cause a lot of grief to people falling in for the scheme. Here is a quote of this warning e-mail:

I've seen this link floating around facebook:…player-mod.html
It claims to offer a mod for multiplayer, but requires you to fill in questionnaires and ties you into a monthly payments. I just wanted to pass this on to you in hopes that SCS Software could do something about it or at the very least warn the community through the official blog.

Please take note that this is all FAKE and instead of giving you extra fun things to enjoy in the world of ETS2, instead it will only hurt you. NEVER pay for these things, NEVER give such people your personal data! This is a FRAUD!

We will try to chase authorities to get this removed, but you know how it works on the Internet, if you manage to plug one hole, two new ones will open up immediately.

We know that having multiplayer in a truck sim game is one of the most requested features, you can trust us that we have been for years thinking about how to include it into our games. Having satisfactory multiplayer in a game like ETS2 is not as simple as having it in a race-circuit driving game though. We need persistency, it would basically take turning the game into an MMO for it to work up to our and your expectations. We are surely thinking hard about this, even making preparatory steps in this direction, but the days of multiplayer are not yet near.

SCS Software Blog

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Beiträge: 1 503

Wohnort: Wegberg

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Donnerstag, 6. Juni 2013, 13:39

New Stralis Hi-Way on the streets of Slovakia

We have been writing earlier about the new Iveco Stralis Hi-Way being cooked in "our labs." We would like to show you some more of it today. Driven in the DLC setting - city Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.

You should be able to drive the new Hi-Way in the upcoming patch. In the future, we intend to release more new trucks and configurations for you. Several more trucks are in various stages of completion; our commitment to Euro Truck Simulator 2 is steady and long-term. Last but not least, new and face-lifted trucks will be included in future patches free of charge.

SCS Software's blog

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Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2013, 13:59

Which truck do you drive the most in Euro Truck Simulator 2?

Reading your comments on the blog gives us great feedback and inspiration for our current and future developments. Yet we always seek for more!

Today we would like to launch the first poll mapping your preferences and suggestions. The poll will last for 2 weeks starting now (don't worry, there should be more blog posts meanwhile). We hope this will allow us to understand your wishes even better and will help us give you better service in the future.

What truck do you drive the most in Euro Truck Simulator 2?
Scania R
Renault Magnum
Volvo FH16
Iveco Stralis
Renault Premium
Different truck as MOD:

Zur Abstimmung geht es hier lang SCS Software blog

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Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:

Bluetruck, da4ko, Efsan, Micha-BF3, Otte64, pinki, pit19169, Scania730Fahrer, StevenaliasW7K, v8Scaniav8



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Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013, 14:17


Today we would like to present you with a microscopic glimpse into what
we hinted earlier - our long standing devotion to Euro Truck Simulator 2

World of Trucks's ultimate goal is creating an environment
where you - our community - can meet, interact and compete with each
other in the expansive trucking world.

Shortly after the next patch we intend to release yet another game
update, which is currently in deep testing. This update will enable some
new features in the game, slightly extending its functionality.

This is only a very early stage of a whole new beginning. We'd go as far as calling it - an early alpha of WoTr.
Please bear with us, keep your expectations modest, but positively
stretched, for a very long journey into the World of Trucks.

Stay tuned for more!

Zu Deutsch: Ein weit entferntes Projekt von SCS um bald eine Community zu gründen, wo sich Spieler austauschen können. Der Patch soll bald kommen gefolgt von einem Game Update, welches gerade getestet wird.



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Beiträge: 1 503

Wohnort: Wegberg

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Montag, 24. Juni 2013, 07:19

A bit of Hungary

Today we would like to bring you another peek from the upcoming DLC. This time it is several views from roads and highways in Hungary. There are visible cities in the background on some shots: Budapest and Debrecen. When it comes to size, those two new cities happen to be some of the largest in the growing ETS2 universe.

SCS Software blog

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Beiträge: 1 503

Wohnort: Wegberg

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Samstag, 29. Juni 2013, 12:43

ETS2 Steam Trading Cards

If you prefer to play Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Steam, and happen to be bored waiting for the ETS2 patch to appear, soon we will have something for you to pass time and have fun.

(The patch is really close now, or so we hope. We have "frozen" the assets and code several days ago, only hunting down a few remaining bugs. If it wasn't for a critical bug reported by our testers, the plan was actually to release the patch today. But life is cruel, and we need to go through another round of fixing and testing.)

Valve has introduced a new feature to their Steam platform recently - Steam Trading Cards.

If you have a fancy for collectibles extending your ETS2 experience, you can look forward to Euro Truck Simulator 2 trading cards on Steam. We have submitted our trading card assets for ETS2 on Steam just today, and we hear that they are approved and queued for release, hopefully soon.

We are featuring 7 trading cards, 5 profile backgrounds, and 10 emoticons. All of course under six levels of badges - all for your Gamer's collection.

Note that any genuine ETS2 Product Key can be used to activate the game on Steam, too.

SCS Software blog

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Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:

da4ko, Efsan, joepapa, King Gokkel, Otte64, pit19169, Shred, SiNeD, v8Scaniav8



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Beiträge: 1 503

Wohnort: Wegberg

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Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013, 17:19

Patch time!

Finally, after a long testing process, we are ready to release Euro Truck Simulator 2 patch to version 1.4. We thank you for your patience and for sticking with us through the development process all this time.

Download patch when you feel ready right here

Here is the condensed list of changes for this update:


All new truck Iveco Stralis Hi-Way with tuning upgrades
Volvo: Fixed position of lights on the front grill, animations fixes, dashboard fixes, added oil indicator
DAF: fixed speed gauge display in UK trucks, fixed exhaust
Majestic: Fixed disappearing of the doorsteps
Renault: Fixed blinkers
Man: Fixed material issues
Fixed wrong lod on flat bed trailer
Overweight trailer: Fixed position of wheel and mudguards
Cistern trailer: Fixed position of wheel and mudguards
Log trailer: Added front white lights
Fix shadow casters for some upgrades
AI cars: the lamps are visible from greater distance at night
Fixed shader issues with auxilary lights for all trucks


Reworked force feedback feature
Engine torque simulation improvements. Idle throttle and clutch changes.
Many new physical properties added to the simulation model. All dashboard gauges are simulation based now
There is config variable in console "g_pedal_clutch_range", that can tweak clutch pedal active area length. Range is 0.1 to 1.0 (default value is 1.0)
Fuel consumption during engine idle fixed
Vehicle telemetry information is available to third-party applications using a first version of ETS2 Telemetry SDK. Pilot testing with kind help of


The speed limiter can be now disabled in Options screen.
Redesigned Job Market's job listing to be able scroll through all jobs
Added Advisor warning messages related to retarder, parking brake and air pressure warnings are not shown when gear is set to neutral.
Added new optional control scheme where steering, accelerator and brakes can all be controlled by mouse
Ferry route length displayed in the job selection.
Loan installments are properly rounded up and displayed, improved timing of loan payments
Upgrade shop does not automatically discard everything with change of cabin/chassis. Only non-compatible accessories are removed
There is config variable in console "g_income_factor", that can lower job income of you and your drivers for more challenge. Range is 0.0 to 1.0 (default value is 1.0)
World map can be closed by same key that opens it (default key M)


Fixed navigation lines on UK variant roundabout
Hundreds map fixes, tweaking and prettyfications
A2 highway completed (as in real life 2 lane highway) including tollgates
New road leading south from Szczecin in Poland
Fix - added some no-weather areas placed under some bridges to avoid rain appearing there
Wrongly set border between France and Belgium fixed
Grass, terrains and rocks intersecting walls of some tunnels fixed
Tons of other minor map fixes


Prefabs tweaking (improved AI flow somewhat, major AI rewrite is coming later)
Less steep quarry prefab to lessen weaker engine trucks having problems when going uphill
New small tollgates in Poland on A2 road
Fixed animations of various pedestrians


Asynchronous loading smoothes speed of resource loading, reducing overall lag and "spikes" for more even framerate
It is possible to skip the intro animation using a -nointro parameter
Fixed garage name in player truck relocation UI
Rain probability in both corner values ensures infinite weather duration
Weather can change after time fast forward
The save slot selection is shown after profile selection if there was problem with automatic load
There is config variable in console "s_rumble_enabled", that can enable/disable sound of rumble stripes on the roads
Increased range of non-linearity slider in controller option screen
Fix potential crash related to recent Nvidia Optimus drivers changes
Added more job-start autosaves
Improved robustness to mod removals
Improved behavior of input wizard
Improved efficiency of memory pool usage
Renamed game.log and game.crash files to game.log.txt and game.crash.txt
Improved behavior of non-widescreen resolutions while driving
Experimental support for triple-monitors. Controlled by r_multimon_mode cvar (0-disabled, 1-wide fov with ui on central monitor, 2 - three separate views). In the three-view mode it is possible to compensate for bezels using r_multimon_border_fov_* cvars
The game will reset jobs whenever it detects certain changes in data
Added Georgian language to the game


Money sound played only on important events
Air brake sound fixed


Game will pause when Steam overlay appears
Steam notifications are positioned on the opposite side of the screen than Route Advisor


New sector based map format which supports simultaneous modifications by more than one user and local extensions as long they operate in separate sectors.
Many definition lists (e.g. types of AI trucks) can be now simultaneously extended by more than one mod.
As result of multiple changes it is now possible to have more than one reverse speed in modded trucks.

More detailed mod-related guides can be found at the modding section

For the brave and curious readers among you, here is the raw changelog of notable changes for past several months.

SCS Software blog

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