************ : log created on : Saturday December 29 2012 @ 10:57:38
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz] 8 logical processor(s) at ~3392MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Using 2 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 3312851Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical memory detected (4194303K/3489824K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual memory detected (4194176K/4118044K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (204800K)
00:00:00.006 : Disabling color wrap as both color strings are empty
00:00:00.032 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 34275 entries (2E9D3C14C3262375A386B466B039CEE0C54B094D0BFDE49CBD8A3C944AA556B)
00:00:00.055 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 2292 entries (EDDDCB23E4B4C3B4E1838F8A3AAAF343AAF88B2ECCA05566317DEE2509506E5)
00:00:00.081 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 139 entries (DA85748855F436F4AA865AFCE9FE81985121790739D80E90C957BFCCE106544)
00:00:00.082 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 2 entries (924C55A3A6DA2759FE4984CC227E3B130A6C6D7D71B397A1D47935E0E5F102
00:00:00.082 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.082 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Angel Eyes.scs
00:00:00.082 : [zipfs] Angel Eyes.scs: read ok, 10 entries [0x9d693a82]
00:00:00.082 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Bonfire_Big.scs
00:00:00.083 : [zipfs] Bonfire_Big.scs: read ok, 51 entries [0x5b66b39e]
00:00:00.083 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ETS2 Scania V8 Sound v3, by 21Seconds.scs
00:00:00.083 : [zipfs] ETS2 Scania V8 Sound v3, by 21Seconds.scs: read ok, 49 entries [0x13e6a6d]
00:00:00.083 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ETS2_creative_Map_by_Schiene v1.0.scs
00:00:00.104 : [zipfs] ETS2_creative_Map_by_Schiene v1.0.scs: read ok, 2072 entries [0x6431cd35]
00:00:00.104 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Hella_Lampen.scs
00:00:00.104 : [zipfs] Hella_Lampen.scs: read ok, 6 entries [0x830c0e1f]
00:00:00.104 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/michelin_männchen.scs
00:00:00.104 : [zipfs] michelin_männchen.scs: read ok, 17 entries [0xf9811849]
00:00:00.104 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Reale Geschwindigkeiten by AustrianTrucker.scs
00:00:00.104 : [zipfs] Reale Geschwindigkeiten by AustrianTrucker.scs: read ok, 25 entries [0x173ad8ca]
00:00:00.104 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania V4.scs
00:00:00.105 : [zipfs] Scania V4.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x9aac9358]
00:00:00.105 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania-Waves_Interior.zip
00:00:00.105 : [zipfs] Scania-Waves_Interior.zip: read ok, 58 entries [0xbd3817e7]
00:00:00.105 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania-Waves_Skin.scs
00:00:00.105 : [zipfs] Scania-Waves_Skin.scs: read ok, 23 entries [0x13530221]
00:00:00.105 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania-Waves_Wheels.scs
00:00:00.106 : [zipfs] Scania-Waves_Wheels.scs: read ok, 17 entries [0x5308b6f5]
00:00:00.106 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/SCANIA__computer.zip
00:00:00.106 : [zipfs] SCANIA__computer.zip: read ok, 24 entries [0x4c8fa74b]
00:00:00.106 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TZ_bodex_opentop_trailer.scs
00:00:00.106 : [zipfs] TZ_bodex_opentop_trailer.scs: read ok, 28 entries [0x6ae2712e]
00:00:00.106 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzreal_engine_trans_name_allopen_2.scs
00:00:00.116 : [zipfs] zzreal_engine_trans_name_allopen_2.scs: read ok, 1381 entries [0x6430c6b1]
00:00:00.116 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzeasyeconomics.scs
00:00:00.117 : [zipfs] zzzeasyeconomics.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xbb9ef87e]
00:00:00.117 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Tobias/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz_scania_light_tuning_v0.2.scs
00:00:00.117 : [zipfs] zzzz_scania_light_tuning_v0.2.scs: read ok, 28 entries [0x118e8e5e]
00:00:00.117 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.117 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.117 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.117 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.117 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:00.117 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.117 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1.0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1.0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_scale_y "2"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_color_correction "1"
00:00:00.117 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_mlaa "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_hdr "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "3"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "320"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_mode "1680x1050x32x0"
00:00:00.118 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.118 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_auto_traffic "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_developer "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_news "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_gfx_quality "3"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_reflection "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_console "1"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.118 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.119 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.119 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.119 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "1"
00:00:00.119 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.119 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.122 : [lang] Language autodetection: 407
00:00:00.128 : Selected language: de_de
00:00:00.128 : Eurotruck Simulator 2 init ver.1.0.2 (rev. 41614)
00:00:00.128 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.134 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.134 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.147 : [dx9] NVAPI not detected. (-2)
00:00:00.147 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.147 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.390 : [dx9] Adapter #0: AMD Radeon HD 6870 / 1024 MB (aticfx32.dll,, 2010120
00:00:00.390 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.392 : [gfx] Trying to set 1680x1050 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.587 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:00.649 : Game viewport set to: (window aspect ratio=1.60); viewport bounds=[left=0.00 right=1680.00 bottom=0.00 top=1050.00]
00:00:00.684 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.684 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:00.705 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:00.705 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:00.705 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.706 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:00.706 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:00.711 : [di8] Initializing device 'Keyboard' as 'keyboard'
00:00:00.712 : [di8] Initializing device 'Mouse' as 'mouse'
00:00:00.745 : dispatch
00:00:01.012 : exit
00:00:02.643 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:02.643 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:02.643 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:02.643 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:00:02.643 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:02.644 : uset g_lang "de_de"
00:00:06.335 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:06.335 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:06.335 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.336 : uset s_music_volume "0.427632"
00:00:06.336 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.336 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:06.336 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:06.336 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.06"
00:00:06.336 : uset g_save_idx "2"
00:00:06.336 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:06.336 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:06.336 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_brake_intensity "0.802742"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_trans "1"
00:00:06.337 : uset g_lang "de_de"
00:00:06.352 : New profile selected: 'Bluetruck'
00:00:06.750 : game
00:00:06.893 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:06.944 : Loaded trailers: 73
00:00:06.946 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 25
00:00:06.947 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 8
00:00:06.948 : Loaded traffic trailers: 13
00:00:06.949 : Loaded addon hookups: 17
00:00:06.949 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:06.949 : Loading road data ....
00:00:06.952 : Loading terrain data ....
00:00:06.955 : Loading railing data ....
00:00:06.967 : Loading building data ....
00:00:06.984 : Loading model data ....
00:00:07.000 : Loading prefab data ....
00:00:07.017 : Loading sign data ....
00:00:07.034 : Loading traffic lights data ....
00:00:07.050 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:00:07.067 : Loading hinges data ....
00:00:07.084 : Loading stamp data ....
00:00:07.100 : Loading movers data ....
00:00:07.117 : Loading ferry data ....
00:00:07.134 : Loading country data ....
00:00:07.150 : Loading sound item data ....
00:00:07.167 : Loading live stream data ....
00:00:07.184 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:00:07.200 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:00:07.217 : Loading cargo data ....
00:00:07.222 : Loading company data ....
00:00:07.234 : Loading city data ....
00:00:07.284 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:00:08.178 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:08.199 : Map initialization started ....
00:00:08.251 : Map initialization finished.
00:00:08.252 : Map load time: 967ms (53 MB)
00:00:08.274 : [unit] File '/profile/426C7565747275636B/save/autosave/game.sii', line 364:
00:00:08.274 : [unit] The unit '_nameless.18BC.A8C8' of type 'economy' has no attribute named 'stored_open_tollgate_pos'.
00:00:08.274 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to load unit tree from file (/home/profile/426C7565747275636B/save/autosave/game.sii)
00:00:08.274 : Game state load failed. Game state will be restored from the initial save.
00:00:08.295 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/scania.r/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.295 : [unit] The unit 'std.scania.r.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.295 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/scania.r/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.295 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/scania.r/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.295 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.scania.r.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.295 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/scania.r/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.312 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.312 : [unit] The unit 'std.daf.xf.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.312 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.312 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.312 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.daf.xf.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.312 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.330 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/iveco.stralis/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.330 : [unit] The unit 'std.iveco.stralis.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.330 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/iveco.stralis/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.330 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/iveco.stralis/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.330 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.iveco.stralis.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.330 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/iveco.stralis/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.350 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.350 : [unit] The unit 'std.man.tgx.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.350 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.350 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.350 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.man.tgx.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.350 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/man.tgx/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.371 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.371 : [unit] The unit 'std.mercedes.actros.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.371 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.371 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.371 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.mercedes.actros.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.371 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.386 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.387 : [unit] The unit 'std.renault.magnum.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.387 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.387 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.387 : [unit] The unit 'xenon..renault.magnum.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.387 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/renault.magnum/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.398 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/renault.premium/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.398 : [unit] The unit 'std.renault.premium.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.398 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/renault.premium/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.398 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/renault.premium/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.398 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.renault.premium.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.398 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/renault.premium/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.417 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16/head_light/standard.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.417 : [unit] The unit 'std.volvo.fh16.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.417 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16/head_light/standard.sii)
00:00:08.417 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16/head_light/xenon.sii', line 9:
00:00:08.417 : [unit] The unit 'xenon.volvo.fh16.head_lights' of type 'accessory_head_lights_data' has no attribute named 'reflectors_offset'.
00:00:08.417 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/volvo.fh16/head_light/xenon.sii)
00:00:08.786 : Creating save-game file (/home/profile/426C7565747275636B/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:00:08.834 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:00:08.840 : Detail vegetation database is ready.
00:00:10.386 : quit
00:00:10.387 : Creating save-game file (/home/profile/426C7565747275636B/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:00:10.437 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:00:10.437 : quit
00:00:10.733 : [net] LOG INFO: Stopped
00:00:10.774 : [sys] process shutdown